Daily Announcement Banner

Quiz Bowl

All potential Quizbowl members who want to apply, please Mrs. Gale to set up a time to take the test. There will not be a meeting to test today.

Paint Party Fundraiser

There will be a Paint Party Fundraiser on Tuesday, September 26 from 5:30 - 7:30 in the CMM Art Studio. You can register at Local Level Events by going to our CMM website. Snacks & water will be provided. Max is 24 participants, so register soon!


CMM Volleyball game schedule is out for this Saturday. Games will be held at Northwood. High School, $5 entry fee: 

7th grade (court 2): Play @ 9:45 Play @ 10:30.  

8th grade (court 1): Play @ 12:45 Play @ 1:30 Come help support your Lady Stallions Volleyball players represent CMM!!!