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Congratulations to the December math students of the month!  6th grade is Avery Quinn, 7th grade is Davis Frierson, and 8th grade is Kambryelle Strachner.

Don’t forget the  CPSB poster entries are due today.

NJHS members, come by Mrs. Ardoin’s room today to pick up your t-shirt! 

The toy drive is still in need of your help! You can still bring 5 toys to receive a ticket for a special treat during lunch. Bring your toys to Mrs. Ardoin’s room to receive your ticket! The toy drive ends on Friday!

Beauty and the Beast Tech Crew, remember if you were unable to make the meeting last week  Please plan on staying tomorrow after school until 4:30.  This is only for those who were not able to attend last week.

We have some big holiday days next week - first up, on Wednesday, December 18th, KCMM will be sponsoring a Ugly Sweater Contest. We will have winners from each grade level! More details on that soon.

Then Thursday, December 19th you will be able to wear your Pajama at our Pajama Movie Day .  This is a fundraiser for KCMM and our Drama Program.  Wristbands are $3 and can be purchased from the local level starting today.  You must purchase a wristband to wear your pajamas but every student will watch a movie in the PAC with their grade level.  https://www.locallevelevents.com/events/details/37237

Yearbooks are on sale! Get them at the lowest price of the year. Head on over to www.jostensyearbooks.com and get your piece of CMM history today!