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CMM Track Tryouts will be held from Monday, January 27th to Thursday, January 30th weather permitting. Please fill out and return the waiver and the tryout permission form by Friday, January 24th . You can find the forms on the CMM website under the News tab.

Remember, you can  Sign up for the CMM Golf Team on  front9tour.com until February 3rd. All skill levels are welcome, although a basic understanding of the game and rules is suggested. Register for the NorthWEST LA Middle School Division. Once you have registered and paid, please email Miss Brown a screenshot of your registration. More information will follow once she has received your registration. Her email is @ mbrown14@caddoschools.org.

Do you enjoy creating animations? Find out how you can be part of this prestigious student film festival & have fun collaborating to create a short animated film by attending an informational meeting on Tuesday, January 21 in Mrs. Sitton’s Room B112 from 3:30-4:30

Who is a Black artist who inspires you? This can include visual art, design, literature, drama, dance, music or culinary art. If you'd like to enter the Black History Month Art Contest for a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card, pick up a form in Mrs. Sitton's room B112. Entries are due on or before Tues, January 28.