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Hey Stallions! Are you ready to dance the night away? Hearty Party is on February 13 from 3:30 to 5! Tickets are live on Local Level for $10. Get your ticket before February 9th! Remember, you MUST be in dress code and you must wear your outfit to school that day.

Attention 6th—and 7th-grade stallions! Are you interested in running for student council and helping make the school a better place? If so, please attend the mandatory Student Council interest meeting on January 30 at 5:30 in the PAC. You and your parent or guardian must be present if you want to run next year!

Can you sing, dance, juggle, or do you have a crazy talent and you want to share it? Talent Show tryouts are on February 20th at 3:45 in the PAC! In order to try out you will need to sign up with Mrs. Waddell in A110 by February 13.

Tennis Tryout Update:  Due to weather, tennis tryouts have been rescheduled to Wednesday, February 5th. Please turn in your paperwork by Friday, January 31st.

There will be a CMM Swim Team Meeting - tonight at 5:30 pm in the CMM Library. This is for everyone who plans to join the CMM Swim Team or who needs more information. We will also be taking a team picture for the yearbook at this meeting. Students, wear your Swim Team shirt from last year! If you do not have one yet, we will have some extras on hand that you can borrow for the picture. Contact Jenny McGuirk at jsmcguirk@caddoschools.org for questions or more information.

Remember, you can  Sign up for the CMM Golf Team on  front9tour.com until February 3rd. All skill levels are welcome, although a basic understanding of the game and rules is suggested. Register for the NorthWEST LA Middle School Division. Once you have registered and paid, please email Miss Brown a screenshot of your registration. More information will follow once she has received your registration. Her email is @ mbrown14@caddoschools.org.

The Black History Month Art Contest entries are due today.

Kona will be here Thursday Jan. 30.
