Daily Announcement Banner

Basketball Tryouts

CMM Girls Basketball Tryouts will be next Monday, August 15, Tuesday, August 16, and Friday, August 19 immediately after school 3:30 pm-5:30 pm in the gym at CMM. Please bring your own water ( provide water for your child during tryouts.)

Tryouts are open to all students and parents are welcome to attend.  Games will be played against other Caddo schools. Please attend tryouts for any questions.

Student Council Elections 

Attention 6th Graders!! Want to be a leader in your school? Join Student Council!

Any 6th-grade student interested in joining Student Council MUST attend the “Intent to Run” meeting on Wednesday 8/17. The meeting will be BEFORE school at 7:20 in the PAC. If there is a conflict, please see Mrs. McMillan (A-106) or Mrs. Waddell (A-110) before 8/17.

 Here are today’s birthday wishes:


Callie Jean


August 12, 2022

Happy 11th Birthday Callie Jean Rainwater! Have a great day!




August 12, 2022

Happy Birthday, Lizzie Nolen. She will turn 14 on August 13. Enjoy your special day!




August 12, 2022

Happy 13th Birthday, Zachary Cutty!

Today we are going to review hallway etiquette.  First, everyone needs to walk on the right side of the hall…kinda like if you were driving.  And please be aware of corners, you still should stay to the right as you are turning a corner, other people may be walking the opposite way and it could cause a collision if aren’t careful.  Also, no entertainment things in the hall.  What am I talking about, well, books, cellphones, rubrics cubes.  Put them away when you walk from class to class. Someone is going to walk into a pole if you keep doing it.  Finally no food or drinks in the hallway. Remember, use the bathroom on your way to class,  before you enter the lunchroom or after you are done eating.  Once you are in the cafeteria you need to stay there until you have finished eating.