Daily Announcement Banner

School Fees are due by Sept. 6

ELA Novel News 

 Wednesday, August 17th is the last day to order novels for the ELA classes on Payschools.

Sports News

6th Grade Boys basketball tryouts will be on August 17th and August 19th from 5:30-7:30 in the CMM gym.

 CMM Girls Basketball Tryouts will be today and Friday, August 19 immediately after school 3:30 pm-5:30 pm in the gym at CMM. Please bring your own water ( provide water for your child during tryouts.) Tryouts are open to all students and parents are welcome to attend.  Games will be played against other Caddo schools. Please attend tryouts for any questions.

 Student Council News

Attention 6th Graders!! Want to be a leader in your school? Join Student Council!Any 6th-grade student interested in joining Student Council MUST attend the “Intent to Run” meeting on Wednesday 8/17. The meeting will be BEFORE school at 7:20 in the PAC. If there is a conflict, please see Mrs. McMillan (A-106) or Mrs. Waddell (A-110) before 8/17.