Daily Announcement Banner

Softball News

The Lady Stallion softball team won both games of their doubleheader last night with a 15-1 win over Broadmoor and a 15-0 win over Youree Drive. Way to go ladies!

Medieval Times

The annual 6th-grade Medieval Times Trip is just around the corner! On November 18th, 6th-grade students will leave CMM, head to Dallas, enjoy a fabulous feast, and then return to CMM. Signups are available on locallevel.com and the cost is $120. Remember, Space is limited so make sure you sign up soon! If you have questions, please see Mr. Delaney, Mrs. Waddell, or Mrs. Williams for more information.

 Yearbook News

Don’t forget to turn in your interpretation of the school building today to Mr. Delaney

Also, remember to send your appropriate be reals to Mr. Delaney at mddelaney@caddoschools.org for this year's yearbook. A handful will be chosen for the book this year.

 High School Musical

Remember, the deadline for High School Musical, Jr. Audition forms to be turned in has changed.  The new deadline is next Friday, Oct. 7th.   Please drop off your form to me in or around D103. 

We have a birthday shout-out today for 



September 30, 2022

Happy Birthday, Seraphina!!