Daily Announcement Banner

Lady Stallions Softball

Congratulations Lady Stallions Softball team on your 19-1 victory over Youree Drive!  Their next game is on Oct. 20._


NJHS Members, Please check for Canvas announcements for important information on our October service project and officer elections. If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Ardoin!

Medieval Times

6th graders, Don’t forget to sign up for the 6th-grade Medieval Times trip on November 18th. Signups are available on locallevel.com If you have questions, please see Mr. Delaney, Mrs. Waddell, or Mrs. Williams for more information.

High School Musical

Remember, the deadline for turning in your  High School Musical, Jr. The audition form to me is today.   Please drop off your form to me in or around D103 .  That is for everybody, tech and cast.

Kona Ice is coming on October 20, 2022

We have a couple of birthday shout-outs today 



October 7, 2022

Happy early birthday!



October 7, 2022

Happy 14th Birthday Weekend, Ryann! Love, Your Family :)



October 7, 2022

Happy 13th Birthday Claire!