Hello Parents and Guardians of Herndon Magnet School this is Tom Thomas, Principal of Herndon Magnet School with information about Thursday, February 16, 2023.
• Weather permitting, we will have our school-wide Mardi Gras Parade at 1:45 PM on Thursday, February 16. We are asking bus drivers and front car riders to arrive at Herndon after 2:45 PM. The front will be used for the Parade to turn around the vehicles. If you have to check someone out, please park in the front parking lot and come to the office.
• Thursday, February 16, is a Street Clothes Day for students unless they lost that privilege for not following requirements for past Spirit/Street Clothes Days or PTSA Dress-Up Days. Leggings of any kind or type are not allowed unless they have something over them that is no more than 4 inches above the knees all the way around. There can be no holes or tears in clothes that reveal clothes or skin underneath.
• The 6th and 8th grade boys’ teams will play Force at Airline Church of Christ on Thursday, February 16. The first game will start at 5:30 PM and the second game will start immediately afterwards.
• The Lady Hawks soccer team will play the second game at Airline at 7:00 PM on Thursday night.
• Schools will be closed for Winter Break on Friday, February 17, and Monday, February 20. Students return to school on Tuesday, February 21.
• Please visit Herndon’s website at herndonmagnet.caddoschools.org or the Herndon Facebook page for additional information about upcoming activities and events.
A transcript of this call can be found at herndonmagnet.caddoschools.org. Thank you and have a wonderful evening! ID #: 515976