Hello Parents and Guardians of Herndon Magnet School Students, this is Tom Thomas, Principal of Herndon Magnet School with some reminders.
• We are so excited about seeing all the Herndon Hawks tomorrow!
• Please start your child on his or her regular transportation tomorrow. All students grades 1-8 start tomorrow. Kindergarten boys come tomorrow, girls on Thursday, and all kindergarten students on Friday, August 11.Since we are on a regular schedule tomorrow, parents will not walk their child to class. Please do not worry. We will get all bus riders and car riders to their homeroom class. Please make sure your child knows how they are getting home tomorrow. K-2 students will have backpack tags. Please do not remove these. If there are changes during the year, please let your homeroom teacher know.
• Parents, please call your bus driver to verify pick up times at your bus stop. Some of the times on the Transportation Website may not be correct.
• Middle School "Meet the Teacher/Back-to-School" will be on Thursday, August 10th, from 5:30 - 7:45 PM.
Since middle school students will have already met their teachers, we ask that only parents and guardians attend on Thursday, August 10th. If you did not order a school supply pack, students will bring their school supplies on Thursday morning. This is not a come and go. Parents and guardians will follow their student’s schedule.
• Tomorrow, middle school students will not need anything, unless they bring a lunch, but to know how they are getting home. For example, I am a car rider. I will ride Mr. Tinsley’s bus, bus 263. All middle school students will report to the gym in the morning.
• Car rider instructions: A-Wing students and siblings in grades 3-8 will be dropped off and picked up at the A-Wing Car Line (the line by the cafeteria). All other car riders will be dropped off and picked up in front of the school. Please have your car riders’ name or names posted on the passenger side window. K-2 grades will start coming out at 3:20 PM, grades 3-5 at 3:23 PM, and middle school at 3:25 PM. Please be patient with us the first few weeks of school with bus and car riders. If any adjustments need to be made to make the flow of traffic better, we will let you know.
• If you have not ordered your middle school PE uniform and draw bag, the last day to order is Friday by midnight. Please check the Herndon website for the link to order from Sports World.
• If your child does not know his or her address and phone number, please work with them to have this learned. In addition, students who ride busesneed to know what stop they get off at in the afternoons.
• As you visit the new website at herndonmagnet.caddoschools.org , please note that many important items are under the “Documents” tab. Under documents, you can find the dress code, supply lists, summer reading, and the PaySchools information, and uniform requirements.
• Thank you for entrusting your children with us, and thank you for all that you do for your children. We are expecting an awesome year!
• Please visit Herndon’s new website at herndonmagnet.caddoschools.orgor the Herndon Facebook page for additional information about upcoming activities and events.
A transcript of this call can be found atherndonmagnet.caddoschools.org. Thank you and have a wonderful evening! ID #: 091756