Hello Parents and Guardians of Herndon Magnet School Students, this is Tom Thomas, Principal of Herndon Magnet School with Herndon Highlights for the week of August 28, 2023.
There will be a free clothing giveaway on Wednesday, August 30, from 3 – 7 pm at Friends of Friends at 3318 N. Market, Suite 6. For more information, please call 318-584-0323.
Thursday, August 31, 2023, is a street clothes day for students. Please see guidelines on page 6 of the student agenda or on the website under documents and with the title “DRESS CODE FOR STREET CLOTHES DAY.”
Middle school students will have a Back-to-School Social on Thursday, August 31. Students must have their permanent student ID to get into the social.
Friday, September 1, is a virtual day for students. Students will be given an assignment by their homeroom teacher this week to complete on Friday.
Monday, September 4, is Labor Day. Schools will be closed. Students return on Tuesday, September 5. Please enjoy your Labor Day weekend.
All transportation changes must be made through the office. We prefer transportation changes to be in writing, but you may call the office at 221-7676. Afternoon changes must be made by 2:15 PM.
A-Wing students need to keep a change of clothes in their backpack for “just in case” accidents and/or emergencies.
Pay Schools Central (www.payschoolscentral.com) is where parents/guardians pay class fees, activity fees, and one of the ways you can make class donations. There is a link at herndonmagnet.caddoschools.org/. All fees are due by September 5, 2023.
Please visit Herndon’s website at herndonmagnet.caddoschools.org or the Herndon Facebook page for additional information about upcoming activities and events.
A transcript of this call can be found at herndonmagnet.caddoschools.org. Thank you and have a wonderful evening! ID #: 081536