Hello Parents and Guardians of Herndon Magnet School Students, this is Tom Thomas, Principal of Herndon Magnet School with Herndon Highlights for the week of August 22, 2022. The 2022-2023 Herndon School Calendar is on the Herndon website under documents, and the dates are in the events section as well.
Hawk Talk newspaper subscriptions are on sale now on PaySchools which is linked on the
Herndon Magnet website. Students with a subscription will receive a minimum of 10 issues
this school year. Thank you for your support.
Middle school football will start after school tomorrow, August 22. All players must have a physical before being able to fully participate in practice. Practice will go until 5:00 PM.
Cross Country practices will be Tuesdays and Thursdays until 4:30 PM.
Softball tryouts will be at Herndon on Tuesday, August 23, from 3:45 PM – 6:00 PM. The tryouts are closed to the public. Girls will need to bring any personal equipment they use along with cleats and tennis shoes in case we have to move to the gym.
Northwood High School will have their Community Night Out on Thursday, August 25, at 6:30 PM in Jerry Burton Stadium. Come out and support Herndon’s Cheer and Dance Teams at this community event.
All middle school students have been issued a new permanent student ID. The ID is to be worn each school day as part of the uniform. Students who forget their ID may purchase a temporary for $1.00, but it will be considered a uniform violation. Additional IDs may be purchased for $5.00.
Thank you for your support these first two and a half weeks of school. We appreciate Herndon’s parents and guardians more than words can describe. If the first weeks are any indication, this is going to be a great year for Herndon Hawks!
Please visit Herndon’s new website at herndonmagnet.caddoschools.org or the Herndon Facebook page for additional information about upcoming activities and events.
A transcript of this call can be found at herndonmagnet.caddoschools.org. Thank you and have a wonderful evening! ID #: 952708