

Hello Parents and Guardians of Herndon Magnet School Students, this is Tom Thomas, Principal of Herndon Magnet School with Herndon Highlights for the week of November 7, 2022.

• I hope everyone is having a great weekend, and that you remembered to set your clocks back one hour.
• Tomorrow, November 7, is a street clothes day for students. Please follow CPSB Dress Code Policy. Dresses, shorts, and skirts cannot be more than four inches above the knees all the way around. No leggings, sports leggings included, can be worn as pants. Leggings must have something over them that are no more than four inches above the knees. This applies to all Herndon students K-8 grades.
• There will be after school practice for middle school students who are in scenes 1-3 of A Christmas Wizard of Oz” tomorrow, November 7, from 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM.
• Herndon’s Book Fair runs from November 7-11 and ends on November 14. Books make excellent Christmas presents. Please visit the Book Fair in the middle school library. 
• Schools will be closed Tuesday, November 8, for elections. Please exercise your right to vote.
• Lady Hawks Soccer tryouts for grades 5 – 8 will be held Wednesday. – Friday, November 9-11 and possibly on Monday and Tuesday, November 14-15 from 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM.
• Grandparent’s Days will be Thursday and Friday, November 10 and 11. All reservations must be made by 8:00 AM tomorrow morning. Please see Grandparent’s Day information on the Herndon website.
• As Veteran’s Day approaches this Friday, November 11, I want to thank all the veterans that served in the United States Military. Because of your sacrifice and service, we are still the greatest nation in the world. God bless you, and God bless the U.S.A.!
• On Friday, November 11, I am asking students to wear red, white, and blue or camouflage in honor of Veteran’s Day. All clothes must meet CPSB Dress Code Policy.
• Yearbook Advertisements are on sale now on Local Level. Purchasing a business or 8th grade ad helps us keep the cost of our yearbook as low as possible. Yearbook ads are sold from November 1 - 30 only.  K-7th students are not eligible to purchase a personal ad but may be included on Herndon business ads.
• NJHS is selling poinsettias that will be delivered the first week of December. Red, multi bloom, florist quality poinsettias may be ordered through Local Level or with an Honor Society member.  
• We are so excited to participate in Pack the Pantry again this year. Student Council will be collecting canned goods and other non-perishable food items during the month of November for the Northwest Louisiana Food Bank. In addition, we will also offer students the opportunity to make a donation. With each dollar that we donate, the Food Bank can purchase $10 worth of food.  Students who donate $5 will get to wear street clothes on November 16 and November 17. There will also be prizes for the homeroom classes that bring the most food donations by November 18. It is for a great cause, and 100% of the donations go to help people from Northwest Louisiana.
• Elementary and Middle Magnet Applications are now available on the CPSB website until January 6, 2023. You can also find information on Herndon’s website on the “Home” page. Testing will be in January and February. Please help us spread the word about HERNDON MAGNET SCHOOL. If you know someone who missed Open House, and would like to tour the school, please have them call 221-7676.
• A word on buses and the Transportation Department: Please understand that Herndon has no control over bus routes, drivers, pick-up and drop off times, etc. We offer advice, common sense solutions and suggestions, and we make complaints, but ultimately, all decisions are made at, and by, transportation.
• Please visit Herndon’s website at herndonmagnet.caddoschools.org or the Herndon Facebook page for additional information about upcoming activities and events.

A transcript of this call can be found at herndonmagnet.caddoschools.org. Thank you and have a wonderful evening!   ID #: 742990