

Hello Parents and Guardians of Herndon Magnet School Students, this is Tom Thomas, Principal of Herndon Magnet School with Herndon Highlights for the week of January 9, 2023.


• Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year break. We are looking forward to seeing all students back tomorrow!
• Since we are starting a new nine weeks and a new semester, I wanted to remind you of how important attendance is for the success of your student. Students need to be here each day, and on time, so that they are not missing vital learning time. As we prepare for LEAP testing on April 26-28 and May 1-2, and to keep our A rating, we need your assistance and support with attendance. If there is anything that we can do to help in this area, please reach out. 
• Middle school students need to remember to bring their clean PE uniforms to school tomorrow.
• The 8th grade boys and girls basketball teams will play at Karnack tomorrow, January 9. The girls will play first at 5:30 PM, and the boys will play right afterwards. The price of admission is $5.00.
• Middle school 4-H will meet Tuesday, January 10, at 2:45 PM.
• The 6th and 8th grade boys’ teams will play Force at Herndon on Thursday, January 12. The 6th grade will play at 5:30 PM and the 8th grade right afterwards. 
• Friday, January 1is a street clothes day for students. Please see guidelines on page 6 of the student agenda or on the website under documents and with the title “DRESS CODE FOR STREET CLOTHES DAY.” All clothing that is designed to go under clothes must be worn that way. Leggings cannot be worn by themselves, whether they are athletic or not. All leggings must be covered with appropriate clothing that is no more than four inches above the knees. This is for all grades.
• Herndon will have its Middle School Spelling Bee on Friday, January 13 at 1:30 PM in the auditorium. Parents/Guardians are invited to attend.
• Schools will be closed on Monday, January 16, in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday. 
• Please visit Herndon’s website at herndonmagnet.caddoschools.org or the Herndon Facebook page for additional information about upcoming activities and events.


A transcript of this call can be found at herndonmagnet.caddoschools.org. Thank you and have a wonderful evening!   ID #: 843002