Hello Parents and Guardians of Herndon Magnet School Students, this is Tom Thomas, Principal of Herndon Magnet School with Herndon Highlights for the week of January 23, 2023.
• The School Store Fundraiser will begin tomorrow, January 23rd. This fundraiser helps us purchase the essential technology tools our students and teachers need to succeed. In years past, Herndon was able to purchase many new computers with this fundraiser. Students can also purchase gift cards for teachers to use at the Caring for Classrooms on-line store. Packets will be given to elementary students during PE on their PE day starting tomorrow.
• The 6th grade and 8th grade boys’ basketball teams will play at home against Calvary tomorrow, January 23rd. The 6th grade will play first at 5:30 PM, and the 8th grade will play immediately afterwards.
• LEAP Tutoring will begin Tuesday and Thursday of this week for those who signed up. Students will only come on the day that they were assigned.
• Wednesday, January 25th, is the 100th Day of School. Various elementary classes will be doing special activities on this day.
• Any Herndon girls interested in being a contestant in Herndon’s Beauty Pageant must sign up on locallevelevents.com. Once you have signed up and paid, a pageant packet will be sent home with each paying contestant. The entry fee until January 27th is $40.00. There will be late entry between January 30th – January 31st and the entry fee will be $50.00.
• The 4th and 5th grade classes will travel to the Riverview Theatre on Friday, January 27th, to listen to the Shreveport Symphony and to explore how composers use music to tell stories.
• Friday, January 27th, is Hawk Treats Day at Herndon. You may purchase tickets for Hawk Treat items on Local Level beginning tomorrow.
• We want to wish the Herndon Highsteppers the best as they prepare to compete at Regional’s in Tyler, Texas on Saturday, January 28th. Good luck ladies!
• On January 9th, the third and final yearbook sale began. Yearbooks are $65, and no personalization is available. The absolute last day to preorder a yearbook is February 1, 2023. You may order a yearbook at locallevelevents.com.
• The second semester PTSA Dress-Up Days are now on locallevelevents.com.
• The Herndon PTSA Executive Board would like to send a big thank you to all of our supporting families and members, and a special thank you to our Corporate Sponsors, Kiddle Services and Green Coatings. Your support is greatly appreciated!
• I want to remind you of how important attendance is for the success of your student. Students need to be here each day, and on time, so that they are not missing vital learning time. As we prepare for LEAP testing on April 26-28 and May 1-2, and to keep our A rating, we need your assistance and support with attendance and tardies. All absences and tardies will be reviewed at the end of the year, along with grades and behavior, to see if the magnet contract was met.
• Please be reminded that elementary students must keep all cell phones and smart watches in their backpacks. Middle school students must keep cell phones and smart watches in their backpacks, which are then placed in their lockers. All cell phones and smart watches must be off at school. Parents, if you are not checking your child’s text messages or the websites they are visiting on a regular basis, you may want to start this practice.
• Middle school students must wear their permanent student ID each school day. Students can purchase an extra ID to keep in their locker for $5.00.
• I know the aforementioned information is a lot, but we want to keep you informed. Thank you for your continued support of Herndon. You are highly regarded and appreciated.
• Please visit Herndon’s website at herndonmagnet.caddoschools.org or the Herndon Facebook page for additional information about upcoming activities and events.
A transcript of this call can be found at herndonmagnet.caddoschools.org. Thank you and have a wonderful evening! ID #: 444331