Information Technology
We hope to create a technology atmosphere that will inspire all students. Please take time to review the contact information below if you need assistance from the IT Department.
Contact Information
Daisy Powell – System Design Manager Support Services
Rickey Jones – Network Manager Network Support
Dracy Peters – Technical Services Manager PC Computer Repair
John Keith – System Designer Manager Programming
Brandy Blanchard –Project Manager Wiring/Phone Data Drop Request
Contact the Help Desk for Request listed below at 318.603.6418
Microsoft Outlook Email
OnBase Document Imaging
Sungard/Business Plus
Password Resets for 3270
Information Technology Fax Number – 318-603-6407
Computer Support
Setting Up Computers
When connecting your computer(s), be sure the power and monitor cables (Blue End) is securely seated.
If there are multiple computers connected to a switch, be sure each computer has only one Ethernet cable (Blue or Black) going to a single port on that switch. Discard all additional cables that are not connected.
From the switch, there should be a single cable connecting to a wall Ethernet plug for network connectivity.
Test the computer by logging in with a generic student account and open an internet browser such as internet explorer, Firefox, or google chrome.
Information Technology Technical Support
Dracy Peters
Technical Manager
(318) 603-6297
All schools have a Point of Contact (POC) that has completed the IncidentIQ user training and POC (agent) training and an Information Technology (IT) Department assigned technician. The IT computer technician works closely with the POC on prioritizing the work requests submitted by teachers and staff and identifying needed computer resources. If you need to update or change your POC designee, please contact Dracy.
All technology repair requests should be submitted using IncidentIQ.
IncidentIQ can be accessed via Login (classlink.com):
Login using the first part of your email
Password is email password
Select the asset with the issue, then select submit ticket, select the category that best describes the issue you are having, add details describing your issue, fill in your room
Click “Submit Ticket”
Network Support
Reporting Network Problems
If you cannot get to the internet after checking all connections, please fill out a work order using IncidentIQ and your school technician will assist.
If you are unable to fill out a work order contact your POC or school administrators via phone or other means.
If the entire school is losing connection to the internet, please email rdjones@caddoschools.org for faster resolution.
If there is no network connection call Helpdesk (603-5489) or Rickey Jones (603-5604) for faster resolution.
For telecommunication (Phone) issues, please fill out a work order using IncidentIQ and send an email to Nate Santiago (nsantiago@caddoschools.org).
Wireless Network
For wireless networking issues place a ticket in IncidentIQ
Support Contact Information (Preferred Method-Email)
IT HELP DESK (tickets@caddoschools.incidentiq.com and 603-5489)
[Computer and Network Support].
Shantrell Terrell (sterrell@caddoschools.org and 603-6418)
[JCampus, email, login password retrieval and reset].
Rickey Jones (rdjones@caddoschools.org and 603-5604)
[Telecommunications emergencies, network connection issues, wireless, website and application access, network abuse, and email issues].
Jora Honore (jhonore@caddoschools.org and 364-1990)
[Smart Board support and application training].
Dracy Peters (dpeters@caddoschools.org and 603-6297)
[Computer and Laptop support, work orders].
Dannaka Johnson (dljohnson2@caddoschools.org and 603-6411)
[Business Plus password resets, and issues. Employee Online password reset, and issues].
Network Services
Rickey Jones
Network Manager
(318) 603-5604
These services include, but are not limited to, internet access, web filtering, email, smart device technology, wireless, network security, servers, application availability, telecommunications (phone and voicemail), computer usage and access, and network performance.

Don't Get Phished!
Support Services
Daisy Powell
System Design Manager
(318) 603-5498
Year Round Calendar 2024-2025 (posted 04/25/2024)
Elementary and Secondary Calendar 2024-2025 (posted 04/25/2024)
Course Request Form (Rev. 06 2018)
Request for Email and JCampus (posted 04/25/2024)
Request for Email and JCampus – Non Caddo Employee (posted 04/25/2024)
Request to Delete Student Record from Student Master (posted 04/25/2024)
Site Training Schedule Request Form (posted 04/25/2024)
Student Progress Center
The Student Process Center is a website designed to help parents and guardians monitor the progress of their child.
Parent Portal – Student Progress Center Instructions (09/30/2024)
NEW Students – ORS Instructions (updated 03/18/2025)
If you have not yet submitted your school level support person, please provide this information to the Information Technology Department promptly. We will team with this person to make the JCAMPUS system most effective for your school.
For Questions Call:
Marvin Battley
(318) 603-5574
Ebonie Locke
(318) 603-6410
S'nerica Nickelberry
(318) 603-5603
Dianne White
(318) 603-5600