Opportunity Caddo
Opportunity Caddo Documents
Caddo Parish Public School Departments And Schools
Caddo Parish School Board (CPSB) adopted Opportunity Caddo Plan, February 17, 2004.
Opportunity Caddo is a program designed to enhance economic development through the growth and development of small and economically disadvantaged businesses, which ultimately will provide for a better educational system.
Every opportunity is to be made to include small and economically disadvantaged businesses in the procurement of all products and services.
Each department and school to take measures to ensure that optimum purchasing opportunities are available.
CPSB is eliminating barriers which may have an adverse impact upon small and economically disadvantaged businesses.
CPSB to assist in the development of small and economically disadvantaged businesses to be able to compete in the market place outside of this program.
Small And Economically Disadvantaged Businesses
Aspirational goal of 25% utilization of small and economically disadvantaged businesses
Small and economically disadvantaged businesses will be kept informed of upcoming CPSB product and service needs.
Small and economically disadvantaged businesses will be listed in a business directory after certification.
Some of the many products and services purchased by CPSB:
CPSB procures numerous products and services from A to Z. Some of the many needs of the CPSB include trophies and awards, catering, construction, equipment, classroom supplies, photography, signs, printing, graphics, t-shirts, and many others.
CPSB annual budget is over $500 million.
Approximately $50 million available annually for the purchase of various products and services
Approximately 56 schools and 20 central office departments make purchases annually