The Director or Army Instruction (JROTC)

The Director of Army instruction is responsible for the leadership, supervision, administration, operations, training, curriculum, JROTC Cadet Leadership Challenges, and the academic enrichment of Caddo Parish Schools JROTC Programs.

The Director of Army Instruction promotes STEM & Academic Enrichment, ACT & ASVAB improvements, promote ROTC and Academic Scholarships, dual enrollment programs, robotic and team training, marksmanship, drill and ceremonies, promote the JROTC citizenship program, community service, leadership, self-development, personal responsibility, character development, self-discipline and college preparation programs for Cadets to succeed upon completion of high school.

MOTTO:  To motivate young people to become better citizens.

Director of Army Instruction (JROTC) Mission Statement

To instill in students the value of citizenship, scholarship, academic enrichment, service to the United States, service to humanity, develop personal responsibility and a sense of mission accomplishment.

JROTC has evolved into a citizenship program, devoted to scholarship, ACT & ASVAB Improvement, STEM, community service, mission completion, character development, self-discipline, physical fitness and the development of the fundamentals of life skills.  It is a great program to help you go far beyond anyone’s expectations.  Come join us because JROTC can help change the trajectory of your life!

MOTTO: To motivate young people to become better citizens.

JROTC Prepares Students for Life After High School

The answer is definitely! Studies have shown that there are positive academic and non-academic benefits of participation in JROTC.  A Rand report showed that there were positive associations between school and attending classes more frequently.  JROTC Cadets have a stronger sense of community and pursued military and civilian careers through academic scholarships, ROTC scholarships and attendance to a service academy.

Some Advantage of participating in a JROTC program

  • Leadership skills Development

  • Self-Confidence Development

  • Discipline, Courage, Teamwork, compete in National and State Level Completions

  • College Preparation & Briefing Skills

  • STEM (LSUS-MSU) ACT/ASVAB Preparation

  • Academic Enrichment & Dual Enrollment

  • Financial planning skills, Team Completions, Varsity & Jvarsity Team Sports, Fitness

  • Problem-solving skills & and outdoors Cadet Team Challenges

  • Planning, Operations, Rappelling, Adventure Challenges & JCLC (Summer Camp)

As a JROTC Cadet, you can dual enrollment in college, earn an associate’s degree and earn a STEM or academic scholarship.  JROTC STEM and Summer Camp Events are geared toward earning Cadets top dollar scholarships. Also, it is a great program to visit colleges, improve your ACT and ASVAB Scores.  Typically, JROTC Cadets are among the very best students in high school and the nation.

The Director of Army Instruction (JROTC) 

For questions about the Caddo Parish Schools JROTC Program, please contact the JROTC Department Director of Army Instruction @ (318) 603-6425

The Director of Army Instruction promotes STEM activities for students, Academic Enrichment, promote ROTC and Academic Scholarships, promote the JROTC citizenship program, community service, promote leadership, personal responsibility, character development, self-discipline, teamwork, team sports, team competitions and college preparation programs for Cadets to succeed upon completion of high school.

MOTTO:  To motivate young people to become better citizens.

Contact Information

LTC Byron Lafield

Alice Collins

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Caddo Parish JROTC Top Scholar Cadets


Caddo Parish JROTC Corps Commander C/COL Za'Christanae Eason

GPA: 4.7
ACT: 27
Scholarships: $100,000
Plans after High School: Attend Grambling State University to study Biology through the B.S./M.D Programs to pursue dreams of becoming a Doctor of Emergency Medicine

Timothy Oliver

Caddo Parish JROTC 1st Commander C/COL Timothy Oliver

GPA: 4.7
ACT: 34
Scholarships: $355,000
Plans after High School: Attend United States Military Academy to major in Physics or Geospatial Information Sciences and minor in Spanish. He will then pursue graduate study and a career in the Army.

Kesley Krikorian

Caddo Parish JROTC 2nd Commander C/COL Kelsey Krikorian

GPA: 4.7
Scholarships: $52,000
Plans after High School: Attend Louisiana State University at Shreveport (LSUS) to major in Nursing

Shakonna Sudds

Caddo Parish JROTC 3rd Commander C/COL Shakonna Sudds

GPA: 4.7
Scholarships: $90,000
Plans after High School: Attend University of Louisiana at Monroe to double major in Modern Languages and Nursing. Also pursing the Army ROTC program to become an officer.

Leadership Excellence