Social Studies Curriculum
Written and refined with input from Louisianans from across the state, the 2022 Louisiana Student Standards for Social Studies are a product of work done over a year’s time by Louisiana educators, administrators, parents, students, and internal teams at the Louisiana Department of Education (the Department). It is the Department’s vision that social studies standards should outline what students should know and be able to do to prepare them for life in our state, nation and world. The new standards create a sequence of content that is chronologically coherent, raises expectations for elementary students, balances the acquisition of disciplinary skills and content knowledge, and better integrates the historical perspectives of people from all backgrounds. The Louisiana Student Standards for Social Studies are (1) research and evidence based, (2) aligned with college and work expectations, (3) designed to be rigorous, and (4) organized so that content is chronologically coherent with each grade building upon the prior grade.
Throughout the school year, teachers have access to professional learning sessions, which prepares them to focus on the content and skills to build an effective learning experience for students. The expertise of district personnel and District Content Leaders aligns with the vision and mission of the Teaching and Learning Department to equip and empower Caddo Parish Public Schools’ educators with knowledge, skills and resources necessary to teach the right thing in the right way to achieve desired results.
Professional Learning Sessions
This Day in History?
Click to learn about this day in history
Preparing Students for College and Career
Social Studies is the gateway to your past and the bridge to our future.