The objective of the Compliance Department is to ensure that all federal and state special education requirements are fulfilled. This department also receives and investigates complaints and conducts parent/community involvement activities. In striving to master our goal, the Compliance Department disseminates information to parents, makes personal visits to parents and advocacy groups concerning educational needs of exceptional children, maintains documentation necessary in complaint management processes, manages all internal monitoring for the provision of special education services to children, assists in the preparation of educational reports, compliance documents, brochures and correspondence relating to complaint management and due process hearings. We are also responsible for Manifestation Determination Reviews (not yet eligible and students with disabilities) which aligns a review of documentation and supports to address implementation of services to students with disabilities who may be considered for expulsion. The Compliance Department ensures, aligns and manages all IDEA and MFP child counts to ensure funding is received by Caddo Parish Schools. Our staff include Licensed Professional Counselors, School Counselors, and Social Workers who provide individualized student support to regular and special education students in Caddo Parish Schools.
Compliance Supervisor
Sabrina Brown-Anderson
Supervisor of Special Education Compliance, Complaint Management and Parent/Community Involvement
Dr. Chanel Dove-Cummings
Compliance Facilitator