Math Staff

Math Curriculum Department Secretary

Welcome to the Caddo Math Page!
Please contact us if you are unable to find what you need or if there is something we can do to better serve you.
Rachel Puckitt, Elementary Mathematics — rmpuckitt@caddoschools.org
Roger Vance, Secondary Mathematics — rvance@caddoschools.org
Check out the newest Professional Learning for K-12 Mathematics on KickUP!
Please make sure you have joined the Shared Google Drive for Caddo Elementary Math to access all of the ready-to-use resources: Scope & Sequence Documents, Assessments, Mission Studies etc… Email abundrick@caddoschools.org if you do not have access.
Homework Louisiana offers academic tutoring, test preparation, job search assistance and much more.
Visit LDOE's Family Support Toolbox Library to access LEAP Resources, Back-to-School Parent Guides, information for family literacy and much more.
Check out Caddo's Parent Resource Center for even more support in all content areas.
Math Curriculum Department Secretary