Caddo High School Math Teachers
Welcome! And please contact us if you have any instructional needs or suggestions for improving this site.
Roger Vance, 6-12 Math Supervisor -- -- (318) 603-6326
Tia Gueory, 6-12 Math Admin Assistant -- -- (318) 603-6379

Instructional Resources
Math Essentials
Stand-Alone Scope & Sequence For 9th graders enrolled in Math Essentials only
Intensified Algebra 1 Scope & Sequence For 9th graders enrolled in Math Essentials and Algebra 1
Louisiana EAGLE Items (find answer key links in your Scope & Sequence document)

LEAP Assessment Guidance
Louisiana EAGLE Items (find answer key links in your Scope & Sequence document)

LEAP Assessment Guidance
Louisiana EAGLE Items (find answer key links in your Scope & Sequence document)

Louisiana EAGLE Items (find answer key links in your Scope & Sequence document)

Financial Math/Literacy
Scope & Sequence (NCHS Block)